We educate, inspire and entertain the next generation through animation.

Little Who Who

Little Who Who is a 2D animated series for 3 to 6 year olds that explores the world full of diversity and people, through the eyes of a curious little owl called Who Who. Who Who`s innocent curiosity and exploring diversity while debunking stereotypes is the basis of our show.

Directed by Vjekoslav Zivkovic
Animation by Domagoj Bogdan, Anna Sagadin, Suncana Brkulj, Luna Strmotic, Antonio Klasic, Darko Tomicic, Zvonimir Cuk, Vjekoslav Zivkovic
Art direction by Denis Alenti
Background by Antonia Klaric
Written by Simon Rolph, Vjekoslav Zivkovic, Lana Sabljaric
Sound design & music & lyrics by Srdjan Gulic
Mastering by Studio 45
Produced by Denis Alenti
World distribution by META MEDIA